Pixelated HelpDocs logo with .dev underneath

Test customizations without pushing
changes live to customers

Build your fancy new knowledge base template without worrying about changing it live for customers. Edit CSS, JavaScript, or HTML template and keep it private until it's ready to go live. And when it's ready? You can push the changes live right away

Learn more

It's just a click away.

It couldn't be easier to work on your new template. Go to your account settings, enable .dev, and view the design from your awesome new environment.

GIF showing dot dev being enabled
{{#if meta.related_articles}}
		<section id="relatedArticles">
  			<h3 class="raTitle">{{i18n "related_articles" "Related Articles"}}</h3>
  			<div class="raList">
          {{#each meta.related_articles}}
            <a class="raLink" href="{{this.relative_url}}">
              <div class="raHit scaleSmall">
                <h4 class="raCardTitle">{{this.title}}</h4>

Optimizing Your Knowledge Base for Search

No eyes on the prize.

Your .dev environment will be automatically restricted and only you and your team can view it. This means you don't have to worry about launching it early by mistake.

A pixelated clock
No setup needed.

There's nothing you need to do on your end. Just hop into your account and you'll see the switch in your settings.

A pixelated icon showing one rectangle on top of another with a white arrow
Switch templates, anytime.

When your new design is ready to be switched live, just click and it's done. No copy and pasting for you.

A pixelated badge with .dev inside
Context where it matters.

We've made it clear when you're editing a .dev setting so you don't accidentally change a setting for your live knowledge base.

Ready & waiting on certain plans.