Start with a 14-day free trial and see what features are best for you and your team.
Team accounts
Invite your team to help contribute articles.
Up to 50
$100 per 100 extra users
Up to 50
€100 per 100 extra users
Up to 50
£85 per 100 extra users
Historical analytics
Learn how your users are using your knowledge base with views, searches, and feedback analytics.
API Access
Fetch and create your own experiences with data from the HelpDocs API
Make your knowledge base unique by adding custom code.
Handcrafted templates
Get access to templates made by the HelpDocs team
HTML templates
Create your own templates from scratch with Handlebars
HelpDocs editor
Add helpful callouts, tables, HTML blocks, and more in a few clicks
Audit trail
See what your team is working on with a history of events
Understand how your content has performed over the last few weeks at a glance
Unlimited public viewers
Your knowledge base will scale up as your company gets busier
SEO optimization
Get the latest search optimizations so people can always find you
Custom domain
Make your knowledge base feel at home by adding a custom domain
SSL certificate
We'll keep traffic secure by providing an SSL certificate for you
Unlimited articles
Keep the articles rolling out with no worries about hitting a limit
Provide support in hundreds of languages
Test customizations without pushing changes live to customers
Smart 404s
Direct lost visitors to the right place without lifting a finger
Smart 404s
Direct lost visitors to the right place without lifting a finger
Advanced permissioning
Segment your categories and articles by groups so private articles stay private
Subfolder hosting
Get your knowledge base hosted at the end of a URL instead
Test customizations without pushing changes live to customers
Custom HTTP headers
Send extra information with each HTTP response
Native integrations
Connect to your favorite apps with integrations built by us
Keep users on your site by providing a nifty widget with smart features
Machine translations
Use machine learning to automatically translate articles in seconds
10 per month
$100 per 100 extra credits
10 per month
€100 per 100 extra credits
10 per month
£85 per 100 extra credits
100 per month
$100 per 100 extra credits
100 per month
€100 per 100 extra credits
100 per month
£85 per 100 extra credits
Additional domains
Extra domains with the same content but different branding
$20 per extra account
€20 per extra account
£20 per extra account
$20 per extra account
€20 per extra account
£20 per extra account
$20 per extra account
€20 per extra account
£20 per extra account
Single sign on
Use SAML2, OIDC, JWT, or Slack to make logging in seamless for your team
PDF export
Take your knowledge base articles offline in a click
Customer only resources
Get access to exclusive resources with our Learn tab
Easy migration
Import from other services, export to a variety of formats